24 December 2008

24th December: Christmas Eve

Often I have wondered what it is that people do on their Christmas Eve's. I think Christmas Eve is greatly over looked as simply being the longest day as it is the day before opening the presents (Not so in our family of course), the day before you are expected to sit and eat way too much food with your extended family, and even marked as being the last day to get any presents that have been forgotten.

This was my Christmas Eve...

Morning coffee with my favourite four people in the world. (Father, Mother, Sister, Brother) At which we shared stories, ate cherries and opened numerous fortune cookies.

Side note here; Why is it that I can never get those fortunes that say 'your going to have a good day' or something of the like? Instead I always get theses sorts. -Not that we get fortune cookies often-

There was time spent trying to get my motorbike started. That involved my brother sitting on the seat while yelling at me to run faster in an attempt to roll-start it. We must have look quite crazy, dashing down the slight raise at the front of the house.

I tried my hand at making Norwegian cinnamon swirls. They turned out alright, though the sugar on top turned rather dark. (I don't want to admit to them being burnt!)

To finish this day off as being everything you're meant to enjoy at Christmas time, was a perfectly cooked ham dinner. Quoting my Dad, "We eat like kings!".

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone.
Oh and if you see someone like this at your door tonight,

Bonk him on the head because he's not Santa!

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