02 April 2008

All dressed up with nowhere to go...

This morning started off as any other Wednesday. Alarm started beeping at 6:30am, I fumbled around feeling for the off button...

Although most Wednesdays I know we need to be in the car by 7:00am, I knew I had an extra half hour today. Yes I used this extra time staying warm.(Wouldn't anyone?)

Everything seemed to be ok, until... The clock jumped forward by 40 minutes. By this time I was dressed ready to face my day in town. (As living in the country we are limited to one trip into town a week, ~ unless we go shopping for something special.) The sad thing about having a long drive into town is that sometimes you have to dismiss the expecting (exciting) knowledge of an event, because although it may only start in half an hour, there is no way you could get there in time. I was late, very late!

So then you are faced with the predicament I find myself in... In your 'Good' cloths, wondering whether you should go for the fun of it. Or change and use this time to catch up with all those things around the house you've been trying to avoid... (The washing, weeding, cleaning the floors, catching up in theory or Italian grammar...) Does this list ever stop growing?

Often I find when I start on this 'to do' list, (and believe me when I tell you I have got a lot of them floating around) I end up either making more work, or finding things that should have been on there to start with.

My other alternative to 'the list,' is start on something that didn't really need to be done. Like sorting all my books into author alphabetical order. Then finding a title that distracts me for an hour or two while I flick through a few pages. (Telling myself the whole time that I won't be long)
The worst part of going down this path is that often it is the case that I don't finish my random 'sort' so in the end it still ads one more thing to the grand 'To Do' list that runs my life.

It has been in the past two years I have come to realise how there are so many layers to your life. We all know they are there of cause, but I think more then not we try to avoid the thought of it all.

Take one aspect of life that we all have, say relationships. I will go by my own life here. First there is the relationship between me and my parents. It takes work, thought, patience, and that is different for Mam as it is for Dad.
There is the relationship I hold as a sister. Again different to my sister, and brother. Now multiply that by Grandparents, Work colleagues, Friends, acquaintances, neighbors, etc. That is a job all of its own.

That is why I hate advertisements that say something along the lines of "Just 20 minutes a day", or "Simply replace once a month". As if there isn't enough in our lives to worry about!!

I have told myself that one day I am going to sit down and write all those things I am meant to fit in. (Flipping your mattress every two months, changing the filter in the water pump, cleaning out the gutters once a month; everything right down to taking vitamins every day) And see, if I was to do all these things that "THEY" tell me I must, within the time limits "THEY" give, would I have time to get my 8 hours of sleep a day??

I'll keep you updated.

1 comment:

  1. Clean the oven, clear the gutters, wash the windows, rake the fallen fruit, wash the curtains and blinds, shake the doormats, dismantle the webs inside the post box, re-seal the pool deck. Heck. Think I'll go and get all dressed up and FIND somewhere to go....
