16 March 2009

16th March: In Its Own Time

My ticket for the Folk Festival arrived in the mail today. This brought with it a smile and a little skip in my heart. I have longed to go to this particular event for the past five years. I was determined to go, I ordered my ticket early so I wouldn't miss it again.
These sorts of things have a way of creeping up on you fast, that before you know it they have come and gone.

I have found it to be very true, that whether we realise it or not, everything happens when it is meant to. Often things we would like to do/see/buy are in the front of our minds while they are not happening. Than one day, without thinking about it you find yourself in the middle of the thing you had longed for, and you know if it had come earlier it wouldn't have been the right time. (Even though you ached for it to be so)

Do we try to understand things we are not meant to know.
Or plan our lives ahead of ourselves...

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