12 February 2011

Melbourne Day's 1 & 2

As our flight arrived in Melbourne at 7am, after checking into the hotel it was quite obvious that the first thing on the cards was finding a good coffee. As it turns out we found a rocking little place just up the street from where we stayed. Needless to say they saw our faces every morning.

 The most of our first day was spent looking around Victoria markets, and walking numerous streets that looked like this. Every second step there was something to 'ohh or ahhh' over.

Day two we found ourselves at the Melbourne museum. walking its lengths took up the greater part of the day. There were quite a few areas where photos were not allowed to be taken.
Although I did enjoy looking around, quite a few things were more 'sciencey' then factual.

The animal section definitely took up most of my time. The 'hall' its self was a little creepy, a white room with literally hundreds of stuffed animals displayed there in. But it meant I got to see this guy up close, I wanted to call him Morris. Morris rocks the mohawk!

There was a room dedicated to different insects. I couldn't help but take a few snaps of these gorgeous butterflies. So many colours!

There were also SO many bugs...! Two of them in particular took my attention. Not because I knew what they were, or thought they were cute. No! All I could think upon seeing them was 'I would not be cool if one of those guys flew into me.' Even behind glass you can see the idea of them near my hair is... unpleasant to say the least. 

There were models of dinosaurs, fossils, rock formations. It was quite thrilling.
I even stopped for a moment to look upon the bones found under my feet.

I don't think I visit these sorts of places enough, places that house tokens of the past, of things invented, found, lost... Of stories told.


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