07 August 2011

Silently Reflecting

Hello friends,

I have not known what to write to you. Every day has brought with it a new challenge, to the point of my heart being overwhelmed with good exciting things as well as the not so good and exciting things.

Sometimes in continually walking through daily steps, one forgets that maybe that is what others need to hear about to know that when life is the same thing day after day it is not in loneliness they continue on.
How many times have I read all the wonderful exciting things people are doing, and wonder 'when will it be my turn to start 'living'? But I am here! Life is happening, wonderful and a new adventure every minute I have a breath in it. And sorrowful thoughts on my 'boring' days shall not get the better of my heart!

So if like me, your days turn into weeks, of things unchanging. Of overwhelming decisions... Know this, we are all here, learning and falling, moving and staying, making good and bad decisions in this experiment of life. It'll all come out in the wash...

Gosh, I'm starting to sound like one of those 'self-help' books.

I want to share what is my truth with the world. That is why I write. Up until now I have only been sharing one side; so in not telling the whole truth, is the half-truth a lie?

Light hearted (exciting things) to share with you tomorrow. However for today, I reflect on the grey skies.



  1. you are so wonderful sarah-mechelle.
    loving the giant picture.

  2. Your new banner is so pretty!

    Sometimes it's good to reflect on the grey skies, but not for too long of course :)
