10 May 2011

Party time

Golly gosh it's been a big week.

Thursday was my Boo's 21st  birthday.

We gathered for lunch break, ate pies (who would have guessed?!), and gave gifts. This year I wanted to get him a watch, however as he's never picked one out before I wanted him to choose it. Since I didn't have anything for him to unwrap, I cut out different pictures of watches, glued them to cards, named them and on the back of the cards wrote something about each different one. (The names and descriptions varied from 'Pimp Daddy' to 'Old Man', I believe Bruce Willis even got a mention.)

~Side note~
This brings me to a question, is it just me, or are most guys rather hard to pick gifts for?!

I made a choc mud cake, layered with blackberry jam and gnash topping. Super sugar kick!

Friday night Boo's family drove over (they live 2 hours away), we participated in a game of ten-pin bowling. (I am TERRIBLE at bowling, I swear next time I may get the bumpers put up, much to the embarrassment of Boo who along with every member of his family is great at it.)

It's been a busy few weeks at the Shop, Easter and Anzac Day, our town hosting its annual Pumpkin Festival, and Mother's Day. Posts about these on the Daily Pie Blog! Go have a look-see!

Party on blogger friends.

08 May 2011

In So Many Ways

Every minute I spend with You is special.
 (especially the stolen moments)

In so many ways I am my mothers daughter,
my 'freak' twin.
In so many ways you have shown me,
how to be.
In so many ways I am blessed to have YOU,
for MY Mam.
In so many ways you have helped me to make sense,
of my problems.
In so many ways I hope I can be like you,
when I grow up.

I love you!
Every day.
Kiss kiss

03 May 2011

Challenge Accepted!

The lovely Lina challenged me to complete this here questions and answers. I hereby accept....

#1. What did you do ten years ago?
 Twelve year old Sarah, created things, read many books, dreamed of adventures, filled countless pages with words, acted way too old!

#2. What did you do one year ago?
A year ago we had not long opened our pie shop. I wondered what it would be a year from then.

#3. Five snacks that you like?
Doritos and salsa, CHEESE!, olives, nuts, chocolate.

#4. Five songs which you know the whole lyrics to?
'The Killers - Mr Brightside' (been one of my favourite songs for years!)
'Harry Connick Jr- Booker', (I couldn't find a link for this one.)
'ELO- Mr Blue Sky',
'Imogen Heap- Just for now',
'Cat Empire - Chariot'.  All wonderful songs!

#5. Five things you would do if you were a millionaire?
Open a old age home that was less hospital like and more HOME.
Fill my family's every need.
Visit places I have only dreamed about.
Become a 'secret millionaire'.
Buy a grand piano.

#6. Five bad habits?
Never finishing quilts I start.
Bossing people around... Sorry!
Not taking washing to the laundry.
Writing 'to do' list that are so long they never had a chance at being completed.

#7. Five things you like to do?
Take photographs,
write words,
listen to music really loud,
learn new things.

#8. Five things you would never dress in or buy?
HUGE fly Sunny's,
 mini skirts,
leather pants. Laughs!

#9. Five favourite toys?
Pens and paper,
my Cannon,
the Tardis (my car),
Daisy (my childhood bunny-bear).

#10. Five people I'd like to see taking this quiz?
Katia Melissa Emily You!

I now set the challenge to YOU, yes you! Have fun....