I have decided that this month I will share with you each day (from today) a new years resolution for this 'the year of our Lord 2010'.
Number one:
Comes after a phone call at work from my uncle, who after booking a table, and telling me about his Christmas and life, hesitates before saying "had a rough day yesterday." This was slowly followed by him telling me how he had had to put to sleep his 'baby girl' Polly the English sheepdog. "It happens so quickly, she was in my arms, then she was gone."
I'm sure I need not have to mention how close to tears I came, with the scare of nearly loosing our own Bobby recently.
So that is it, 2010 I want to be able to be strong for the ones I love. To comfort in any small way, to find compassion and a level of understanding even if there is nothing else I can do or be for them.
Because I can't move the mountains for you, but I will climb them with you!
p.s Thank you for the lovely comments on my last post, always encouraging!
Its good to be back!