28 October 2010

28th October: Its that time again...

November 1st is approaching fast... time for pen and paper (reality: laptop) to get ready for some serious word count.

I can hardly believe its time for NANOWRIMO again. (If you have no idea what this is, I highly suggest you follow the link to novel dreams!)
This will be my third year attempting Nano, and I'm a little less prepared than I had hoped I'd be by now, however I shall do my best to pump out my words each day, and hopefully find a plot line along the way.                                                              

My main idea for this years story, is that of a life where nothing grand happens, but how in so many ways he's crossed paths with many other lives (even in the smallest way) where huge events have taken place. How one man can be involved in so many big things, while living his own calm life.

We'll see what happens with that.

Have a lovely weekend,

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