04 December 2008

4th December: NaNoWriMo

I would like to share some of the words I got down during my attempt at NaNoWriMo this year. I did not make it to the goal of 50,000 words. I did get half way, with hopes of doing better next year.
My title for the unfinished work is "The Reason".

-This is how I introduced one of the main characters.-

"I loved Charlotte without ever being jealous of her. She held a childlike faith in the world, along with the belief in the magical power of books, and music. She would say that a story told well, or a piece of music played from the soul of who we are, could turn the most cynical into a loving, caring romantic.
Music is her thousand sunsets.
It is impossible to talk with her without wondering if the world really did look different from behind those long lashes, where her deep brown eyes stared back at you. Sometimes I had the strangest inkling that she would try to hide behind those lashes, as many of us used our fringe to disappear behind."

- This is what turned out to be the theme of the whole story-

"When did the world become so small? I use to look at the globe in my Mother’s office space and I could not fathom how many different people there must be if within that tiny black spot -where there had been pinned a little plastic flag- fitted all of us, all the way to the next big town and then some more. Such a tiny spot has so many people in it, and there were hundreds (if not thousands) of those tiny spots.
Now that I have explored a few of those black dots I cannot believe how the world has shrunk in the years it has taken me to arrive here. Yes, the world is filled with many different types of people, and there is none of us the same, but for the most part we do want the same thing. We want our families to be safe, and healthy and happy. We want to find someone to love, and who will love us back. We want to feel like we are here for a reason, and hopefully we for-fill that purpose."

Ok, so it is not the next best seller. I have also to decide on it's ending. And then spend many hours editing the mess of words that I typed in a desperate attempt to reach a nice (high) word count. It was a very exiting challenge to be a part of.


  1. I loved the way you described the main character,it gave a sense of warmth-simply beautiful!

  2. Just stumbled across your blog and loved it :)

    so thought i'd say hi!
