Everything changes so fast!
As I mentioned (rather briefly for the enormousness of its affect on my life)
The Daily Pie has been opened for a little over two months now. What a fully loaded couple of months they have been. Although having worked in hospitality for well over 5 years of my short 21 years, never before in my life have I felt so unprepared mentally, emotionally, physically for all that running a cafe involves.
Yes it is very similar to what I have done in past years; make coffee, serve food, smile, be polite to customers, clean tables, smile, prepare vegetables, wash dishes, smile...
Talking about how things would change, and it coming to an actuality are so different from each other. Getting up early, finishing late sounds easy enough. (However putting foot to cold floor in the morning is a little harder to follow through with.)
Along with all the newness, we are gearing up for our first ever "Upper Crust" (The Daily Pie's members club) event. Being held on the 18th of June 2010. The night will feature a variety of Chai teas, locally made and owned, matched with our range of pies. (Becoming a member is simple, sign up at
2010 has started out proving to be year of the Doctor for our family. First with my Dad snapping his Achilles, High blood pressure all round, and with what has been an eventful bad foot on my behalf. I had to get x-rays taken a couple of weeks ago; they helped little in identifying what has caused pain in my left foot; however they did show that I have a needle in my right!
(now how did he get there??!)
With the inconclusiveness of the x-rays showing that anything was broken/fractured the doc narrowed it down to maybe being some kind of (spider?) bite. However after 10 days of antibiotics with no avail; tomorrow I'm booked in for a 'bone scan' to see if that can identify and shed a little more light on the matter. Turns out that a little bite can cause quite a fuss!
I would like to finish off this post by sharing with you a little something I found funny on a friends facebook page. Boy's logic in their thinking, I don't think I'll ever understand!
L’s Status Update: I love the rain, but not when it cost you money cause you cant work =(
A: I get my p's soon I’ll come up and visit
L: You can drive a f*’n GT an in New south we can only drive 6s =(
A: :) wooooo :D lol I’m buyin an xr6 turbo and goin to hopefully get a stage 3 turbo put in it
L: nice =) I’m gettin an xr8 in mine once I’m off the greens... I’m gettin red leather in it in a few months =D
A: thats mad. love the sound of xr8's
L: yeah ill get an exhaust in it too
A: f* yeah thats so good man well done
Mam: I'm getting a Ford XR8 Ute - 32 valve 5.4 litre with a shiny Momo shifter, linked up to a 5 speed manual transmission (Tremec T3650). I can just smell it now: burnt rubber and scorched clutch. Sweet.
Do we even know what this means??! Do we have to?
If I was only allowed 100 reasons why I loved my Mam, this would make the list!
(Slight editing being used)