29 June 2009

29th June: Greek Wedding

Over the weekend I served at my first Greek wedding. It was interesting seeing first hand these things that I have only ever heard happens.

There was a tremendous amount of food and wine consumed, many words of blessings to the happy couple offered, hours worth of dancing danced, harmonising charms of glasses being tapped all at one time, and {of coarse} the smashing of the plates.

What an experience!

18 June 2009

18th June: Who needs Jamie Oliver?

I do not believe that Jamie Oliver

could make a meal that made me smile as much as this one!

Blended burger, dagwood dog (aka corn dog), and corn chips

When feeling sorry for myself at the prospect of not being able to eat solid foods, (due entirely from wisdom removal), there was a friend who promised me blended food wasn't that bad...
And sent me this to try to prove his point.

Sorry, but I don't believe you!

15 June 2009

15th June: French Films

There is something quite different about foriegn films. They tell their stories in a rather particular way, quite unique from us. Maybe it is something to do with the translation that is given, or even that it is all spoken in words uncomprihencible in my mind, but either way they have a way of touching ones heart.

The order of the day has been french films. Starting with Amilie, which captured my imagination, and lifted what had been a gloomy day (tired of sitting idoly still with face-ache).

Amelie is a girl after my own heart. Wanting to find ways to brighten the days of those within the reach of her life. Although maybe not knowing how to approach certain situations, she does what she can to bring happiness, love.

One of my favourite scenes is where Amelie's father will not consider taking a trip anywhere after having been a widower for many years. To encourage a holiday Amelie takes his dearly loved garden gnome, and sends him on a world tour. Every week or so after the gnome's 'mysterious' disappearance, there is a letter received containing a photo of the gnome in different cities of the world.

I also loved this:

I promised myself I would try this first chance I get!

14 June 2009

14th June: Answers by Me

Emily has tagged me to answer a series of questions for a meme.
After taking a while to finish this, here are my answers...

What is your current obsession/s?
Taking photographs, finding colourful things that make me happy, writing down words, making up tunes to play on my piano

What are you wearing today?

What's for dinner?
Grilled chicken with creamy potatoes, and cauliflower

What would you eat for your last meal?
I don't think you could beat a good steak, egg and chips!

What's the last thing you bought?

What are you listening to right now?
You Picked Me by A Fine Frenzy

What do you think of the person who tagged you?
Emily is always looking for something beautiful, and brightening many peoples day while she does so. A caring, passionate, creative, gentle soul; who I am honoured to call friend

If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
Right where I am!

If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
I would go to see the Aurora

Which language would you like to learn?
Hebrew and Italian

What's your favourite quote, for now?
"My greatest wish is for those I have loved to find someone worthy of them"-Nan Witcomb
What is you favourite colour?
Pillar-box RED, (can I pick Rainbow?)

What is your favourite piece of clothing from your own wardrobe?
My leather jacket and crazy-colour scarf

What is your dream job?
Working in my own business. Or having the honoured role of being a mother

What is your favourite fabric?
Colourful for cloths, satin for curtains, and fluffy for throws

If you had $100 what would you spend it on?
A family outing to dinner and the movies

Describe your personal style.
Red lips and nail polish, sparkly shoes, scarves, vests, layers, steel-toe redback boots. At anytime flirting with up to seven scents.

What are you going to do after this?
Hopefully adorning glasses to lose myself in a few chapters of my book.

What are your favourite films?
As it is in Heaven, August Rush, P.S I Love You, Footloose

Favourite fruit?
Watermelon and pears!

What inspires you?
God's eternal love, my family, music, the little things I come across in my day

Your favourite books?
Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian, Thoughts of Nanushka by Nan Witcomb, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde,

Do you collect anything?
Coins and random curiosities

What are you currently reading?
Purfume: Story of a Murderer by Patrick Suskind

Go to your book shelf, take down the first book with a red spine you see, turn to page 26 and type out the first line.
" 'Salina will be quiet as a convent,' and he smiled with amiable irony." The Leopard by Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa

What makes you follow a blog?
Sometimes it is pretty pictures, or inspiring words. Writing that has passion, or someone who is trying to write their truth.

What is one thing you did as a child that you miss doing now?
Making everything seem like an adventure, seeing the world from my dad's shoulders, climbing trees
What would you most like to accomplish in your life?
Bringing happiness and encouragement to the souls around me

13 June 2009

13th June: Small Mercies

Amidst the busy time we find ourselves to be in at the moment,
days spent groggily between bed and couch
bring with them a certain amount of frustration.

Swollen cheeks,
liquid foods,
dazy from the pain-killers...

My sanity today has been found in mash potato and gravy.
In finishing books that have laid un-open for weeks,
Adding many albums to my itunes library, (that I have had piled high for too long)
In having the puppies happily fall asleep on my lap
Having time to think, I mean the thinking that you often put off because you tell yourself that you cannot waste your time on such foolishness
In waking up from numerous naps
Being taken care of by caring family members,
Drinking cups of tea, made and delivered by Dad
In watching films all of my choosing
Snuggling under doonas,
Wearing thick knitted socks from Grandma
In listening to opera while it rains outside
And in reading inspiring words that made me look for the good things, when I wanted to be miserable.

11 June 2009

11th June: Uninspired

I have been unable to find any form of inspiration of which to write about.
My mind is full of thinking of what tomorrow will bring,
Unlike most days, I have a little more of an idea for tomorrow.
As I have had an appointment set for the past three weeks, awaiting this particular day.

This day in which I will part with the one form of wisdom I can truly acclaim, (with unquestioned sureness) that I have possessed.
I am, of coarse, referring to wisdom in the form of four teeth.

In all honesty I have been waiting for this day with great anticipation; as I have been told that the removal of said teeth will take with it the discomfort that has been niggling at me through my days.

There is only one part of the whole ordeal that is concerning me. I fear not the cutting, and the pulling, the removal or the loss. It is the needle by which they wish to sedate me. No, not even so much the needle, but the very thought of being put to sleep. That terrifies me.

Despite being told how silly my fear is in the scheme of everything, I cannot remove it from my mind. And I am not shamed of it; for it is the idea which has chosen to haunt me. That does not mean I will forever be afraid. But for the moment, I may just remain a little on edge.

Bring on the jelly and custard!

02 June 2009

2nd June: Didn't do...

I didn't make my bed this morning,

I didn't comb my hair...
Happily I didn't care!

01 June 2009

1st June: Winter Joys

Red nose...
Three layers of cloths...
Dark afternoons...
Scarves and jackets out of hiding...
Woodsmoke stained skies...
Woolen socks from Grandma...
Hopping back in bed fast in the morning...
Frost on the car windows...
Crunchy ground underfoot...
Biting northern winds...
Bare arms of trees reaching to the clouds...
Hot chocolate with marshmallows...
Seeing your breath in the air...
Numb fingers that refuse to bend...
Stolen moments warming in the sun...
Soup and toast...
Snuggling in dooners on the couch...
Boots with thick socks...
Drawing hearts on a foggy window...
Waking in the night, hearing raindrops on the tin roof...

"When all is safely gathered in"